This version fixes things all over, introduces new functions and new programs, but here are the details:
- All communications between emitters and control device now use the llRegionSay command, making it possible to control emitters from anywhere in the sim.
- New "offset device" functionality: by setting the STARTING_POS varable in the *Configuration notecard, you will be able to place the device box anywhere you want, and make all the programs consider START_POS as the real device position.
- New improved Rez. marker: the rez marker now gives easier informations about marker position relative to the controller AND light color informations.
- New programs syntax. the first part of the programs line, the emitter name, has been removed. If you made your own programs using the old syntax, simply remove the "emitter name" value and the semicolor after it. The program line should start with a number indicating the radius of the emitted light.
- Corrected bug that sometimes prevented the first line of a program to be passed correctly to the emitter on rez.
Have fun ;)
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Re-light at Club Illusion

I am very proud to announce one of the most important SL clubs, Club Illusion, adopted Re-light as one of their lighting system!
The club itself is very nice 'cause unlike many other SL clubs you won't find lucky chairs, escorts or other things like that which may ruin your fun, it's just music and people to meet, so quite amazing if you ask me.
You can check out the club clicking here ;)

Monday, May 21, 2007
New Classy furniture line

But finally during the weekend I managed to squeeze this in, and completed my new furniture line (or near to... chairs missing still ugggh).
This new line is inspired to office furniture, and I think it conveys a sense of tidyness and "professional" environment that perfectly suits an office or a modern style house.

Prims count is variable between each of the two variations, while price doesn't change from the standards set with the previous Komfort release, and it's in my opinion fairly competitive.
But I guess you'll be the judge ;)
Re-light v1.03 out!
Ok ok I've been quite busy this past week tuning Re-light and adding some features some of my customers / friends asked for, and this coupled with some bug fixes as well justifies the triple-release of v1.01, 02 and 03 :p
I remind you that to receive your update copy you just have to rez your device in-game again (even a copy of it, it doesn't matter) and you'll receive the new box automagically.
Here's a brief list of the fixes and additions:
- To avoid "lost emitters" problems, Re-light now comes with a built-in sensor control, that will check the presence of the device box within 90 meters radius. If the device isn't found, the emitters will self destruct.
- Corrected a bug in the emitter not correctly processing "pulse" commands under certain circumstances
- Added option to specify the single emitter radius (the distance in meters its light should go to) as an option in the program lines (thanks to Dainie Fraina for the idea)
- Corrected a bug that prevented the emitters to station in each waypoint for the correct amount of time
I remind you that to receive your update copy you just have to rez your device in-game again (even a copy of it, it doesn't matter) and you'll receive the new box automagically.
Here's a brief list of the fixes and additions:
- To avoid "lost emitters" problems, Re-light now comes with a built-in sensor control, that will check the presence of the device box within 90 meters radius. If the device isn't found, the emitters will self destruct.
- Corrected a bug in the emitter not correctly processing "pulse" commands under certain circumstances
- Added option to specify the single emitter radius (the distance in meters its light should go to) as an option in the program lines (thanks to Dainie Fraina for the idea)
- Corrected a bug that prevented the emitters to station in each waypoint for the correct amount of time
Friday, May 18, 2007
Re-light is here!
Finally Re-light v1.0 out for sale, attached is the information notecard about the product.
You should find all the necessary informations in there, and in the provided manual, but in case, don't hesitate to IM me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks for your support and have fun ;)
Ploreho design:
..: P L O R E H O design :: [PHO] Re-light v1.0 :..
Thanks for shopping with us!
Re-light is a club lighting system designed for commercial and personal use. Commercial as, it's perfect for clubs or activities in general that benefit from a great visual impact on the people participating in it, and personal in case you're organizing parties or just want to impress your friends with some great lights game.
The device will rez real hardware lights that will cast a user defined color, moving through a user define path, and providing the feeling of a _real_ club lighting system, like the ones used by real LJs in all the popular real life clubs.
Re-light is fully programmable, with a notecard-driven system, that will allow you to specify your own "programs", selectable through a comfortable menu system, which will also provide access to all the other options.
Some random facts:
- LOW LAG: all of the light effects are rendered locally on your computer
- fully customizable programs: YOU decide how you want this to work
- COPIABLE! Yes you heard good, unlike most of my products, Re-light is copiable! Buy once, use as much as you want, in as many places as you can put it
- FREE automatic updates up to version 2.0, delivered to you by my update servers network: just rez your re-light and get the incoming goodies
- Full product support, should you have any problem with it
This article comes in a boxed version, once you have received it, rez the box on the ground, right click on it and select Open. There are your goodies ;)
..: Users group :..
You can be updated on my product releases in-game, through my users group. Search for the group named "Ploreho design clients", free to join for everyone.
You can also visit us on the web,
..: P L O R E H O design :..
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Re-light sideshop opened

I decicated it entirely to my new club lighting system, which I decided to name Re-light.

I am still working on the manual but I think my previous post should cover most of what's there to know, but as usual, pop me a IM in case!

PS: by the way, I gotta say the light effects Re-light make are FAR more awesome in a closed space like the shop than in my open-space skybox, the colors bouncing all over the walls are amazing :o
Friday, May 11, 2007
Club lighting system

en working on for the last couple of weeks. The idea behind it is not completely original, I have seen something similar on the grid but it supported just a simple "light on" and "light off" command. I liked that system very much back then, anyway, but the high price kinda put me back, considering I was going to buy it just "for fun" and not for a real use.
That's why I decided to give it a go, with all the experience I recently built up working with lights and stuff.
Honestly I didn't quite figure out how much of a colossal work (at least for a LSL noob like me) I was putting myself in, but day after the day it shaped out kinda nicely.

So what is this all about? Basically, the system is meant to mimic the work of a real Light Jockey console like the ones you see in real clubs, in a way that let an operator switch predefined (and fully customizable) "programs" allowing him to move light sources along a certain path, at a certain speed (specifiable for each waypoint), with a certain color, and also specifying if the emitter should pulse on/off and at which speed. It sounds complicated uh? Well, to some extent, the notecard used to configure all this would kinda put off anyone not feeling expert enough, but worry not, I will write a nice manual for it. Anyway here's a sample program directly from the *Programs notecard:

PROGRAMNAME name of your program
emitter 1:<1,>:0:<5,>:1:<5,>:0.7:<-5, -5, 6>:0.4:<-5, 5, 0>:0.9
emitter 2:<0,>:0.8:<3,>:1:<2,>:0.5:<4,>:1.3:<5,>:3.1
emitter 3:<0,>:0:<1,>:1:<2,>:0.9:<-2, 5, 10>:1.9:<1,>:2
Ok now most of you already closed your browser or pointed it somewhere else, but for the few who are reading still, a brief explanation.
Each program starts with a PROGRAMNAME declaration, followed by the name of the program, "name of your program" in this example.
Then, one line for each light emitter you want to use in your program. The parameters in these lines are separated by semi colons. Here's the syntax:
- emitter name (ex. "emitter 1");
- light RGB color, in the usual SL vector format;
- the "pulsing speed" of the emitter. Pulse as, the speed at which the light should blink on and off for added scenic results. If you don't want your emitter to blink at all, just put "0" as value;
- waypoints! this is the hard part, each waypoint is made up of two parameters, first is a the position of the emitter, relative to the main unit, expressed in the SL position vector format. The second parameter is the number of seconds, expressed as a float number, which the emitter should spend in this waypoint. In the example above, "emitter 1" spends 1 seconds at position <5,>, 0.7 seconds at position <5,>, 0.4 seconds at position <-5, -5, 6> and 0.9 seconds at position <-5, 5, 0>.
Remember that this position is relative to the main unit position, this to make things easier and allow emitters to be rezzed correctly as you use them in any place you like.

First of all, you decide your program name (it will be used in the main unit menu for selection purpose), how many emitters you want, their name (will be used to tweak single emitter options in a soon-to-come "manual mode"), their color and if you want them to pulse or not, and at which speed. This will cover the first 3 parameters of your configuration. Then, the fun of waypoints part start. Rez your "marker", and start moving it around (right click on it, and select Edit from the pie menu, then Move and drag the xyz movement arrows around). Once you get it in a good position for your waypoint to be, close the Build panel, left-click on your marker and note down

And then, repeat all this for as many emitters as you choose to have, remembering SL fails to render correctly more than 8 (I think) hardware lights on your screen.
Still hard? Well ok just drop me a line and I'll see about it, but I really can't get it easier than this, I understand it might look like hard stuff, but I can assure you that with 10 minutes of work you can get awesome programs to use for your special clubbing needs ;)

Thursday, May 10, 2007
So much to do, so few time...
Woah, to be honest I was kinda skeptical about the potential of Second Life back when I first came to know about it, a couple of years ago.
All those people buying and selling land for real money?? No way, that's sick, I thought.
I guess I was bored enough a couple of months ago when I decided to make my account to try it out, and here I am opening a shop already :p
I confess it took me more time to prepare what is around the shop than what I actually sell. Making boxes, images for boxes, "vending signs", notecards, putting together a decent looking shop prefab, configuring the rezzing vendor 234525 times 'cause you forgot that nice option or you modified all boxes and you have to update all of them inside the vendor inventory etc etc.
I am not having a second left to actually work on my models since 2 weeks :p
On the other side, I had enough time to push forward other side projects I had on hold since a bit, noticing how they are slowly becoming my main aim. I started scripting for fun and to study how LSL actually worked, and recently came out with a nice set of script templates I will use in all of my scripted-light products. They work really nicely, in pairs, you place a script into a "light-bulb" child prim, and another in the root prim acting as switch. From the menu you can set who can access the light commands (All, Group or Owner), what color should the light (and the bulb) be (you can specify a color name from a list, and the system will take the according RGB values from an internal notecard), and set the light to switch itself on and off according to sun position (saving energy is important isn't it?). Switching the light on and off will also turn the full-bright properties of the bulb accordingly.
Eventually I will introduce a second script inside the root prim to manage the sun timer, instead of making the children manage it (horrible resource wasting, I know...) UPDATE: done it.
The system is kinda modular, placing 20 bulbs around a lamp and a script in each of them will let the main switch operate them all, which is kinda cool, since you can make all sort of light 3dmodel become more interesting with it. Of course the are 3d engine limitations playing a part here, I think the max is 8 hardware light sources rendered on screen at the same time, or something about that. But I like to make things the more general possible, you never know if they'll update that hardware limit...
Following this "breakthrough" I am gonna update also my Einhander chair with these new scripts, after all it works the same.
This tuning of my lightning system, apart from making me spend my online time with sun forced to midnight for the most part, allowed me to develop another cool thing which will be discussed more in depth in another post, a club lightning system that will hopefully introduce the work of LJs inside Second Life clubs ;) People who saw it said it's the most realistic club lightning system they've ever seen, but since I don't like to brag about what I made I guess you'll be the judge of it when I release it. Hopefully soon enough...
All those people buying and selling land for real money?? No way, that's sick, I thought.
I guess I was bored enough a couple of months ago when I decided to make my account to try it out, and here I am opening a shop already :p
I confess it took me more time to prepare what is around the shop than what I actually sell. Making boxes, images for boxes, "vending signs", notecards, putting together a decent looking shop prefab, configuring the rezzing vendor 234525 times 'cause you forgot that nice option or you modified all boxes and you have to update all of them inside the vendor inventory etc etc.
I am not having a second left to actually work on my models since 2 weeks :p
On the other side, I had enough time to push forward other side projects I had on hold since a bit, noticing how they are slowly becoming my main aim. I started scripting for fun and to study how LSL actually worked, and recently came out with a nice set of script templates I will use in all of my scripted-light products. They work really nicely, in pairs, you place a script into a "light-bulb" child prim, and another in the root prim acting as switch. From the menu you can set who can access the light commands (All, Group or Owner), what color should the light (and the bulb) be (you can specify a color name from a list, and the system will take the according RGB values from an internal notecard), and set the light to switch itself on and off according to sun position (saving energy is important isn't it?). Switching the light on and off will also turn the full-bright properties of the bulb accordingly.
Eventually I will introduce a second script inside the root prim to manage the sun timer, instead of making the children manage it (horrible resource wasting, I know...) UPDATE: done it.
The system is kinda modular, placing 20 bulbs around a lamp and a script in each of them will let the main switch operate them all, which is kinda cool, since you can make all sort of light 3dmodel become more interesting with it. Of course the are 3d engine limitations playing a part here, I think the max is 8 hardware light sources rendered on screen at the same time, or something about that. But I like to make things the more general possible, you never know if they'll update that hardware limit...
Following this "breakthrough" I am gonna update also my Einhander chair with these new scripts, after all it works the same.
This tuning of my lightning system, apart from making me spend my online time with sun forced to midnight for the most part, allowed me to develop another cool thing which will be discussed more in depth in another post, a club lightning system that will hopefully introduce the work of LJs inside Second Life clubs ;) People who saw it said it's the most realistic club lightning system they've ever seen, but since I don't like to brag about what I made I guess you'll be the judge of it when I release it. Hopefully soon enough...
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