Sunday, June 8, 2008

Re-light 1.4 out!

It's been some weeks 'til I could finally get some work done on the 1.4 version, but here we go!

- NEW: emitters now make use of the same communication channel, meaning you will never have "lost" emitters again!
- NEW: introduced the SmoothTrace© technology and a *Configuration parameter (EMITTERS) to switch between new and old emitters style
- BUGFIX: corrected an issue with the programs selection menu, showing an empty page when browsing for next one

..: About SmoothTrace© technology :..

Re-light, like its little brother Re-lighter, makes use of smooth movement for its emitters to allow for an even more realistic behaviour.
Jittery light beams are a thing of the past, with SmoothTrace© the lighting of your space will be even more stunning and beautiful.

The update check is issued every time you rez your Re-light.
To manually check for an update, click on ChkUpdate from the device dialog.