Been a while since I last posted here, but let's try to put some order mmm err let's see.
Ok first of all, I finished working on a trial support for Re-light, this means, anyone will be able to go in my shop and get a fully functional copy of Re-light for 1L$. After 2 days, the copy will expire, and it will stay so even if you get a new one from the shop, if you're wondering :p
I made this up 'cause I understand sometimes people really need to test how the lights look like on their own club/house, and I can't really go around everytime to run tests personally.
I've also been working on tuning up my home lighting system, it will support all the lights I made so far and all future ones through updates (read later on), and will work in a kinda cool way.

Let's say you put lights in the different rooms in your house, like, living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom etc, you just assign each room a unique number, and put it in the description field of each light. This will ne the channel these lights will be listening on, let's say, 100 = living room, 101 = kitchen, 102 = bathroom, 103 = bedroom etc
Then, you add the same rooms to the *Configuration notecard of the lights controller, in the format room:number, like Living room:100, Kitchen:101 etc
From now on, you'll be able to control all the lights in the single rooms with a touch of the control device, so you can turn them off/on, set the intensity, color etc. The controller will of course support different users.
I understand the potential issue of each light having a listener on it but honestly, I see most furniture with standard /1show /1hide poseballs in the, they work with a listener too and noone complains too much about it soo :p

The good thing about my lights will be the support for virtually any prim. Infact I will release also a special "do-it-yourself" pack, you just drop the scripts in any moddable prim you want (following the instructions) and you transform it in a lamp, easy and fast.
To be able to update non-copy objects without much problems, in case of new scripts release, I have developed an update system that will work in the classic way. You rez the updater object near the light, you press Update in the light's menu and the updater does its mambojambo. Nothing too complicated.
I guess that's all for now, I'll keep you updated on releases time!