The technical problem has been identified and fixed, unfortunately though, old products cannot be automatically updated anymore.
To fix this, I have been working on an Update Center to allow all of you to get the latest version of your products, which already contains a fix to make the automatic updates work again.
To stress this more, THIS PROCEDURE IS NECESSARY JUST ONCE, from next versions on you'll receive your updates automagically as always.
Here is a list of the latest versions of Ploreho design products containing the fix:
- Re-light v1.2 => v1.21
- Re-light HUD v1.2 => v1.21
- Luxace v1.2 => v1.21

In order to use the update device, simply click the screen and select the product you want to update from the dialog menu. You'll receive the new box within a few seconds.
These versions contain no major change from the previous version, infact the only change is the update servers fix. So you can simply use the old configuration/programs notecard in them without any issue.
Sincere apologies for this.
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