Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Luxace v1.2 out!
Let's cut straight down to business:
..: What's new :..
- NEW: I guess the first and most important change is the addition of a third emitter, to allow for more customization
- NEW: total restyling of the HUD attachment, now it has only one set of buttons to operate the selected emitter, which can be changed operating a comfortable lever on the bottom part of the HUD itself. Also added new buttons to operate the new functions described later, and a new color button for the third emitter (duh)
- NEW: single emitter can now be turned on and off
- NEW: pose support! Now you can drop your poses inside the HUD and operate them through Luxace
- NEW: removed the *Configuration notecard from both the emitters object and the HUD. Now Luxace uses a static channel and password to communicate commands to the emitters and infos back to the HUD. Since it accepts commands just by the owner, no need to make things more complicated ;)
Lots of changes and tweaks uh?
To get your new updated version, just wear the old HUD and the 1.2 version will be delivered to you automagically!
Have fun ;)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
New shop in New Paris!
The shop is currently featuring the Luxace face light, all the products of the Lights interior design line and the Re-light club lighting system.

Monday, September 3, 2007
Re-light HUD v1.2 out!
..: What's new :..
- NEW: new support for access levels, now you can give your HUD operators limited access to basic Re-light functionalities! (see the blog post below)
- NEW: added Menu, Find Device and Show Hide buttons.
the Menu button will just call forth the device menu, like if you just clicked on the device itself. The Find Device will send out the x,y,z position of the device, useful in case you forgot where you placed it :p the Show/Hide button will alternatively make the emitters visible or invisible, so you can check out if your programs work good
- NEW: completely reworked the internal communication layer, to be faster and tidier (see the blog post below)
- NEW: new gfx on the HUD unit, buttons are a bit more readable and colors make a bit more sense overall
I wasn't very satisfied with the looks of the old HUD, but was on a rush to release it and I am not really a GFX dude after all... now it looks far better
- NEW: the device now communicates with the HUD a lot more than before. Messages can be sent to single HUDs or to all of them according to the operation performed by the single operator. For example, starting a program will inform all the operators about it, while showing or hiding the emitters will just inform the operator who pressed the button
- NEW: on/off buttons state. Starting a program/cycle or other operations on the HUD will light on the related button. Buttons will be lit also in case some other operator performed a similar action, for example, if you press the Cycle button, all the HUDs linked to the device will have their button lit as well
- BUGFIX: fixed a certain typo which I am sure made a lot of people laugh... :p
- BUGFIX: fixed some problem in the com layer that prevented certain actions to be performed correctly under particular circumstances
To receive your updated HUD copy, simply wear it and enjoy ;)
Re-light 1.2 out!
Anyway I have not been slacking completely and I kept working on the next update of your (hopefully) favorite club light, and here finally comes version 1.2:
.: What's new :..
- NEW: new support for access levels, now you can give your HUD operators limited access to basic Re-light functionalities!
This function was long awaited and has been asked by many club owners. It gives you the chance to give HUD access even to simple LJs, without having to trust them too much :p They will be allowed to select a program or a cycling, but they won't be able to reset the device, or directly access to the device dialog menu
- NEW: Radius command introduced. Now you will be able to dynamically change the radius/power of the emitters while a program is running, overriding the notecard settings
This is good if you want to change the light radius on the fly and don't have time or chance to manually change the notecard. Just select the new radius from the device dialog menu (either by clicking it or clicking the Menu button on your HUD) and keep on shaking your ass ;)
- NEW: completely reworked the internal communication layer, to be faster and tidier
This sounds pretty generic ok but with my experience in the Luxace development I managed to refine a lot the "inside magic" of Re-light as well, resulting in something far more efficient, in full compliance of my "zero-lag" philosophy.As usual, if you are a Re-light user already just click your device and select ChkUpdate from the dialog menu, or simply rez a new copy. If you're not a Re-light user... what are you waiting for? :)