With a couple days of delay, here comes the new version of
First of all: to update, just wear your v1.0 HUD and you'll get the v1.1 box automagically.
I received a lot of positive feedbacks about version 1.0 during the last days, and a good number of very nice inputs on how to improve its features, so I started to work hard on it to make a release in reasonable times :p
Big thanks this time as well to
Caliah Lyon for the idea about chat commands, but also to
CronoCloud Creeggan for further developing it and adding her own opinion on implementing a rotate function for the whole attached prim.
I was also kinda surprised to receive a very nice feedback from
Torley Linden himself, what can I say, I'll try to keep up the work :D
So, about new features, first of all the long awaited implementation of chat commands. From this version on, you will be able to operate most (if not all) the functions of Luxace using commands on channel number 5 (default, but it can be changed in the configuration notecard), like for example
/5 show (to show emitters),
/5 l1 right 0.3 (to move emitter 1 on the right by 0.3 meters) etc. Everything is well documented in the new manual revision.
Second thing, I implemented a new rotation function, to rotate the whole attachment prim on each of the 3 axis for special added effects. For example,
/5 rotx 45 will rotate the attachment by 45 dregrees around the x axis.
As a consequence from the previous point, I had to create a way to import the old notecard format into the new scripts, since the adding of a rotation function messed things around a bit ;) so here comes the programs converter object, you just drop the old v1.0
*Programs notecard inside it and you'll have printed on screen the program lines according to the new syntax (well, to be honest it's the same syntax with added the line for the rotation parameter :p).
I already discussed with Caliah the next big step in the Luxace roadmap but I'll keep it private for now, I just hope you'll all have fun with version 1.1, and remember I'm around for any help :)