2.0 update with a looooot of changes!
What's new
• NEW: completely redesigned the HUD appearance with usability in mind
• NEW: added a new "color change" panel to the main HUD, using the awesome Bjorn's HSL Color Picker by Bjorn Nordlicht
• FIX: finally, finally, finally fixed all
the bugs concerning the box not rezzing at all under certain conditions (for example the first time you used it) and teleports not working and showing an error message!
• CHANGE: polished a lot of the internal routines to make the whole thing faster and more efficient
As usual, to receive this update just wear the old HUD and you will receive the new boxed product in a matter of seconds.
Here are a couple of screenshots showing the improvements to the HUD interface, for the curious people among you:

Photodice is available in my Linji store and on XStreetSL.